logo Sona17th International Conference of the Society of Neuroscientists of Africalogo_Amn
April, 17-20, 2025

Symposium 3
Title: Emerging effectors in neurodegeneration: from preclinical to clinical models
Ines Elbini & Rym Benkhalifa
Institut Pasteur de Tunis, Tunisia
email: ines.bini@pasteur.tn


This symposium explores the impact of emerging effectors such as ion channels, receptors, and cytokines on neurodegeneration within preclinical and clinical models. A particular emphasis will be placed on the underlying pathophysiological mechanisms driving these processes. The symposium will be chaired by a panel of scientists from the Institut Pasteur of Tunis (IPT), Tunisia, and UM6P, Morocco. Dr. Rym Benkhalifa will elucidate the role of Kv3.1 potassium channels in specific pathophysiological conditions and recount the process of investigating this channel within the context of her research team's work. Dr. Meriam Belghith will tackle the practical challenges in understanding the molecular mechanisms of neuroinflammation, a critical aspect of neurodegeneration. Miss Nour-elhouda Neili will present her research on the role of ion channels in Parkinson's disease using induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC)-derived dopaminergic neurons as a model system. Her work aims to elucidate how dysregulation of these channels contributes to neuronal dysfunction, providing insights into potential therapeutic interventions. Finally, Dr. Mohamed Taha Moutaoufik from UM6P will explore systems biology approaches to understand mitochondrial functions and their implications in neurodegenerative diseases, with a particular focus on Parkinson's disease. Youssef Anouar "will describe the discovery of a new enzyme belonging to the selenoprotein family which plays an essential role in the protection of dopaminergic neurons and how his work led to the development of a new therapeutic candidate for this disease.
Together, these presentations will offer a comprehensive overview of emerging effectors that could serve as potential targets for future therapeutic strategies, utilizing either natural or chemical molecules. This symposium aims to provide fresh insights into neurodegenerative disease management by highlighting innovative approaches to counteract the pathophysiological mechanisms at play

Title of  the communication
Rym Benkhalifa
rymbkh@gmail.com When the secondary role plays its full part: the story of the Kv3.1 channel in neuropathologies.
Meriam Belghith belghith.meriam@gmail.com Adaptive immune cells in the cerebrospinal fluid of neuroinflammatory disorders: a comparative study between neuro-Behçet and Multiple Sclerosis
Nour-elhouda Neili neilinourelhouda1@gmail.com
Targeting Ion Channels in Parkinson's Disease: Insights from iPSC-Derived Dopaminergic Neurons
Mohamed Moutaoufik


Decoding Mitochondrial Interactomes: Insights into Neurodegenerative Disease Mechanisms
SP3_5 Youssef Anouar Youssef.Anouar@univ-rouen.fr
Role of a selenoprotein in the pathophysiology of PD: therapeutic application after intranasal administration