logo Sona17th International Conference of the Society of Neuroscientists of Africalogo_Amn
April, 17-20, 2025

Symposium 6
Title: The Science of Burnout: From Brain Mechanisms to Holistic Management Approaches
Daniel Gams Massi
Douala General Hospital, University of Douala, Douala, Cameroon
email: danny.gamsmassi@gmail.com


Burnout is a syndrome resulting from chronic workplace stress not being successfully managed. Three dimensions characterize it: feelings of energy depletion or exhaustion; increased mental distance from one's job, or feelings of negativism or cynicism related to one's job; and reduced professional efficacy1. The burden of burnout increased during the COVID-19 pandemic2. Despite the importance of the data in the literature, understanding the pathophysiological, clinical, and therapeutic characteristics of burnout remains a challenge for many scientists.
In this symposium, we intend to provide some relevant elements to appreciate the extent of this problem in Africa. To do this, we will address the fundamental mechanisms underlying the consequences of burnout on the brain. Then, we will present the physical expression of these alterations related to burnout and the diagnostic strategies. We will also discuss pharmacological treatments and the contributions of alternative medicine to the management of burnout. It will be a 1.5-hour symposium; with four speakers from different backgrounds with a session chair, (a co-chair will be optional).
References: 1WHO keyfacts and details; 2Alanazy ARM, Alruwaili A. Healthcare (Basel). 2023

Title of  the communication
Oritoke M. Okeowo
Basic Neurological Mechanisms underlying Burnout
Francky Teddy Endomba
Burden and clinical manifestations of burnout : a focus on Africa.
Daniel Gams Massi
The burden and clinical manifestations of burnout in clinical settings.
Gwladys Temkou Ngoupaye gtngoupaye@gmail.com
Burn out and resilience: The two faces of a coin.