logo Sona17th International Conference of the Society of Neuroscientists of Africalogo_Amn
April, 17-20, 2025

Symposium 7
Title: An update on the pathophysiology of the non-motor symptoms in Parkinson's disease
Organizer: Abdelhamid Benazzouz

Neurodegenerative diseases institute, Bordeaux University, Bordeaux, France
email: abdelhamid.benazzouz@u-bordeaux.fr


Parkinson's disease (PD) is a neurological disorder well known for its disabling motor symptoms and also for the wide range of non-motor symptoms, including anxiety, depression, apathy, sleep disorder, pain and others. These non-motor symptoms, which contribute to the deterioration of patients' quality of life, are less well treated than motor symptoms, due to a poor understanding of their pathophysiology.
In this symposium, we will present the results of recent works to clarify the pathophysiological mechanisms of these disabling non-motor symptoms. Houyam Tibar will present a clinical overview of the non-motor symptoms with a focus on the most frequent in moroccan parkinsonian patients.
Then, Karim Fifel will present new experimental data on the role of motivational deficits in sleep/wake disorders in PD. This presentation will be followed by three talks focusing on the control of nociceptive abnormalities by descending pathways from the brain to the dorsal horn of the spinal cord (DHSC) in the context of PD. Pascal Fossat and Alexia Duveau will present new data highlighting the key r ole of the serotonergic and the dopaminergic (respectively) control of pain and spinal cord integration in the 6-OHDA mouse model of PD. Finally, Abdelhamid Benazzouz will highlight an important mechanism of interplay between the subthalamic nucleus and DHSC in controlling nociceptive circuits in the context of PD.
Overall, our symposium will highlight the important pathophysiological mechanisms of the non-motor symptoms related to PD, which may contribute to the development of new therapeutical approaches.

Title of  the communication
Houyam Tibar tibarhouyam@gmail.com
.An overview on the non-motor symptoms of Parkinson's disease: Moroccan experience.
Karim Fifel
Karim.FIFEL@um6p.ma The role of Motivational deficits in sleep/wake disorders in PD
Pascal Fossat
Brainstem serotonin amplifies nociceptive transmission in a mouse model of Parkinson's disease
Alexia Duveau
The A11 hypothalamic dopaminergic nucleus and the control of nociception abnormalities in a mouse