logo Sona17th International Conference of the Society of Neuroscientists of Africalogo_Amn
April, 17-20, 2025

Abstract Submission
Information for Authors of Poster/Oral Presentations
* Abstract deadline (October 31, 2024)

General criteria

  • Abstracts should be submitted only via the online submission system
  • Abstracts must be written in the English language – abstracts submitted in other languages will not be accepted.
  • A person can be the presenting author for a maximum of two abstracts.
  • Once submitted abstracts cannot be updated with new data.
  • An e-mail address is compulsory in order to receive information about the submitted abstract.
  • The author/s should indicate the preferred presentation format (oral or poster) of the submitted abstract. However, the Scientific Committee will decide on the final presentation format.
Abstract format and contents

  • It is essential to pay attention to correct spelling and punctuation and follow the guidelines regarding format and style.
  • The submitted abstract should be written in sentence case, not in capital or lower case, not bolded.
  • The submitted abstract must include the following information:

        - AUTHORS: Full names and surnames of all authors
        - AFFILIATION: Institutions only and country
        - TITLE: 30 words maximum
        - CONTENTS: Background and objectives; Methods; Results; Discussion
        - Up to 5 keywords

* Authors must choose the Thematic area where they wish to present their abstract during submission. The main body of the abstract (excluding title, authors and affiliations) should not exceed 350 words .

First name*

Last name*





Thematic Area

  Title *

Co-Authors & Affiliation:

